You want to get an Expert, Mentor, or Supervisory Board for your business.

Only industry leaders, top professionals with proven and recognised success stories. Only the highest profile leaders of the Russian business community are on this site

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Find an expert. Mentor. Business. Supervisory Board

Need professional resources?

We will find an Expert for you to solve your problems on the terms of project work, you pay only for hours


► Strategic consulting in terms of launching a new business direction

► Diversification of existing business, operational consulting

► Audit and reassessment of the current business model, increase operational attractiveness

► Launch of start-ups

► Repackaging the business

Projects that are solved by our Experts and Mentors

We will select an Expert for your tasks on a contractual basis.
We will form an Expert Council within 3 days.

Why is a contracted Expert more efficient for you than an employee?

Tax deductible cost rather than a tax burden when compared to a permanent employee

Avoid labour legal formalities

Our experts do not go on sick leave

Urgently get a fully motivated and proactive expert in your industry to move forward your key project work

Access to top Experts with payment based on hours worked and dedicated only to you and your business

You do not pay for the infrastructure and do not pay for the brand of the companies; you only pay for the hours worked and the result

Just one Expert may not enough.. maybe you need a global solution?

Describe the task to us and we will gather an Expert Council for your Supervisory Board, strictly according to your goals and objectives

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