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Higher education in Germany

To obtain higher education at a university in Germany, a prerequisite is excellent knowledge of German or English, which is confirmed by special certificates.

Education in German universities can take place both in German and in English. Most of the teaching programs in English are presented in private universities, however, public universities also provide such opportunities, while education in public ones is free.

The Russian and German school systems are different. In Russia, formally, 11-year school education, in Germany, schoolchildren study for 12-13 years. For those who want to go to university, it is necessary to graduate from high school with high scores, to receive the so-called Abitur. Therefore, when entering a university in Germany, a Russian school certificate is not recognized. To continue studying in Germany after graduating from a Russian school, you must additionally study one year at a Russian university, which is recognized in Germany. Only then can you apply to a German university. There is also a second option for a Russian school graduate to reach the level of the German Abitur. To do this, you need to enter the Studienkolleg (preparatory courses) at a university in Germany and finish your studies there.

If you have already entered a university in Russia, then you can enter in Germany only for the same or a similar (related) specialty. If you already have a completed higher education, then there is an opportunity to continue your studies in a magistracy in a similar direction.

In Germany, as in other European countries and many Russian universities, there are two stages of higher education. The bachelor's degree is awarded on average in 3.5 - 4 years, depending on the specialty. Then you can get a master's degree, where training will take 1-2 years. There are a number of specialties where a bachelor's degree is not available: for example, doctors, lawyers, teachers, and pharmacists.

Tatiana Vinogradova, Partner, PROTALENT LAB, Head of the Berlin office