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Does a top manager need a resume?

What do you associate with "getting a job"? Resumes, interviews, recommendations from your previous job, and motivation letters. The baggage of the applicant in the current realities of job search is so great that sometimes at the thought of changing the profession throws a cold sweat. But are such realities everywhere? Will the one whose hard and soft skills are highly valued in the market survive?

The salaries of top managers in leading industries do not have a real ceiling. The upper limit is comparable to the level of your competencies. Only you and your skills determine your working conditions.

The paradox of the XXI century: despite the well-established model that came to us from the West, it is useless when hiring specialists for key positions.
A top manager is often not asked for a resume. He is rarely asked to write a motivation letter or provide feedback from his previous job. His experience speaks for itself.

What distinguishes a TOP manager who is hunted by the best employers.

Packing capacity

A specialist with a high check knows what he is good at. He is able to work with the team and build its interaction in accordance with the company's growth point, as well as show his experience and competence through the prism of experience.

# nbsp; Responsibility

The leader of the key position understands that he is the leader, and there are wingmen behind him. He is ready to be responsible for the result of the team and each of its members. Even in stressful situations, he works with the team shoulder to shoulder.

Risk tolerance

The quality that determines most of the high-class specialists is the willingness to take risks and be responsible for the result. It is not uncommon in the market for a specialist to come to a company on the verge of bankruptcy or to leave a position for a smaller organization at the very peak. It is important to understand your own importance and value to the company.

Today, a TOP manager is a narrow specialist in the field of consulting, who advises rather than deals with the organization and management. However, the difference in skills, experience and the ability to present themselves, distinguishes specialists and their importance in the market.