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How to speak so that you can be heard? What should I say to be understood?

In their work, the manager often faces a dilemma: become "your boyfriend" or choose the role of "evil cop". The effectiveness of their work, the efficiency and productivity of the company as a whole will depend on a well-built system of communication with subordinates.

So how to choose?
Here are 4 top tips from career consultants at ProtalentLab

1.     # nbsp; Rely on feelings

If we consider the existing communication systems, they can be divided into totalitarian (the boss gives orders-orders), liberal (the form of the order - persuasion), democratic (as an order – persuasion). Choose the form that is closest to you.

2.     # nbsp; Discipline and control
Regardless of the chosen communication, do not forget about the disciplinary system and penalties. Punish those who have committed a deliberate misdemeanor, and create conditions in which the mistake becomes an opportunity for growth.

3.     # nbsp; Your vision

To go in one direction, you need to explain the path, its purpose, and the obstacles that you see. Looking in the same direction, an entrepreneur, CEO, and manager may see a completely different picture.

4.     # nbsp; Collect and process feedback
It is the opinion of your subordinates that allows you to build the right communication system and introduce new techniques that affect productivity and efficiency.

Building the right communication system requires a TOP manager to have knowledge in various fields, their own experience and flexibility, the ability to adapt to current conditions and upgrade the system to meet the company's request. There is no single formula for personnel management.# nbsp;Maybe you can create it?