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TOP 10 techniques for developing intelligence

Descartes was convinced that in order to improve the mind, one should learn more than memorize. About four centuries have passed since the life of the French philosopher, but the truth remains in its place. A lively, frisky mind is one of the most tangible advantages of a person. We will tell you more about what to teach in order to improve the mind and what tools to use for this purpose.

At the beginning of the XX century, neuroscientists proved an amazing thing - our brain is plastic and, under the influence of training, is able to form new neural connections and partially replace insufficiently developed departments. Such a discovery made a resonance. Neuroscientists and neuropsychologists have spent more than 50 years trying to identify the most useful exercises and tasks for the brain in order to improve its performance. We have also identified the TOP 10 techniques and tips that you can apply.

Roller skating, scooter riding, training on a balance board or walking on narrow sidewalks - everything where you need to maintain balance is certainly useful. Such classes favorably affect the work of the cerebellum, which in turn is responsible for the speed of all actions in our body. And for the speed of processing information, by the way, too.

Thanks to music and rhythm classes, we stimulate the work of the frontal lobes of our brain. As a result, speech assimilation, vocabulary and verbal memory increase.
All you should do is spend 10-15 minutes a day playing music. To do this, you can use a simple piano simulator for your phone or a rhythm game.

Play chess
No wonder this sport is considered one of the simplest and at the same time the most difficult. The game of chess does not require memorizing moves, but predicting the actions of the opponent. For weekly workouts, you can buy a real board or use an emulator on your smartphone.
Regular classes will strengthen the temporal lobe, which is responsible for solving mathematical problems, forecasting and strategic thinking.

Overcome fear
The mobility of the mind is dulled with age. In childhood, we get enough sensory-motor experience. This means that we no longer need to ride on the largest carousel to imagine what we will feel. On the one hand, this is a useful skill and saves brain resources, on the other hand, it makes it "lazy". Try new and scary things to expand your tactile-motor experience. For example, you can jump on a trampoline or visit floating (special pools with an abundance of sea salt).

Practice writing with two hands
We get used to using only the leading hand and doing everything automatically. After all, you have not been watching how you sign documents for a long time, because this movement has already become automatic. And now try to put the same signature, but with the second hand. Our brain will spend more energy and concentration to control this process and build new neural connections.

What else can have a positive effect on the work of our brain?

Add more foods with a high content of fatty acids to your diet. This is necessary to provide our brain with resources. We don't force the car to go without gasoline.

Take enough time to sleep. 7-8 hours is the norm for an adult.

Chronic lack of sleep reduces the efficiency of the brain by 7-10%.

Plan your day, work tasks and workouts. This will help you strengthen the frontal lobes, which are responsible for forecasting, strategic thinking and self-discipline.

Try the techniques of speed reading, reading aloud and / or diagonally. This approach will help to " collect thoughts” and increase concentration on the task. For such training, it is best to choose fiction first. Over time, your brain will adapt and will be able to process more information in the same time.

Give up automatism and monotony. Without a regular change of activity and an approach to habitual actions, we “relax” our brain and reduce our own mental activity.

Use the tips from PROTALENT Lab and start training neural connections today.

Elena Bogomolova, Founder and CEO of PROTALENT LAB