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How to set and SMART goals correctly

Everyone has already been taught how to set and SMART goals correctly. Many people are already doing great.

Someone decided to make a fitness model out of himself, someone decided to learn English perfectly or master Chinese, someone decided to change their job to a more interesting and monetary one.
And at first, the drive and the fuse were what you need!
And I even managed to lose a couple of kilograms, learn a few dozen new English words, go to a couple of interviews..
And then the energy began to decline, the drive was replaced by apathy and a sense of guilt in relation to the committed goals and yourself.
Everything is simple and complicated at the same time.

The fact is that the neurons in our brain are used to running along the well-trodden paths (neural connections), and it is difficult for the brain to do something new, different from the usual behavioral habits.
This is similar to the first sports training of an unprepared body: the muscles resist, the exercise is not remembered, you really want to stop and stop.
But after 3 weeks of daily training, the muscles will work automatically.
Similarly, any new skill, physical or intellectual, is built in at least 3 weeks.
21 days is not a magic number. Just so much is needed to build the first new, still shaky neural connections in the brain and we learned something new.

1) Therefore, the most important thing after setting goals and choosing priorities that are important to you is DISCIPLINE and a clear organization of your life around these priorities.
The first time will be very difficult, but you need to withstand at least 3 weeks, keeping yourself in the iron gloves of discipline.
2) You need like-minded people, a support group, those who have similar goals and difficulties with you. The exchange of experience, advice and support is very important at this stage.
As well as the information dominant: you should be surrounded by a field of information useful for embedding the skill.
3) A very good way to speed up the embedding of a skill and the assimilation of information is to teach it to others. If it's something intelligent (including languages)- explain this to those who know even less than you. If we are talking about physical exercises or some professional skill-demonstrate it step by step to your "interns"

And then a small miracle happens: you can include creativity in your system of training, learning a foreign language and even looking for a job. You can move away from clear template exercises and approach the process more flexibly and freely.

Victoria Filippova, Partner of PROTALENT LAB, PCC ICF coach