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Ways to develop the skills of the future

What are the ways to develop skills that you can't do without in the near future and that are needed today

There are a lot of them. Tips, simulators, games, lectures, workshops, etc. can be found in books, at trainings, on websites.
It is possible to develop these skills both independently and working with coaches and coaches. And in this article I wrote about the simplest and most effective ways that are applicable in everyday life.

So, creativity. It helps to react quickly in difficult situations, to find non-standard solutions to problems.
A great technique for development: doing ordinary things in an unusual way.
For example: to move around the house backwards. Such walking is an original way to force the mind to focus and act in a new way. Go to work by different routes, use your left hand when doing household chores (the right hand is left-handed), put on clothes in a different order, etc.
By the way, the Chinese have been using these and other non-standard exercises for a very long time. And they are known to be famous for absolutely amazing and useful developments.
If you introduce these simple actions into your life, after a short time you will begin to notice how interesting the brain will work.

Critical thinking. This is about the ability to navigate in a huge flow of information, analyze, be able to identify what is necessary for yourself, formulate your own assessment.
I recommend starting with a simple step: analyze your social networks and cancel your subscription to content that is not useful and distracting.

Communication. Let's start with the development of this ability: to respond constructively to criticism and also to criticize. The key word is constructive.
Here it is important to learn how to separate the personal from the rational. To perceive criticism simply as feedback.
The second step to successful communication is to show a sincere interest in the interlocutor. Dale Carnegie wrote a lot about this: "Not to pretend, but to be aware in communicating with other people, to get out of the autopilot mode."
Listen more than talk yourself and take a pause before answering. Ask questions.
Develop your own speech and vocabulary.

But the main points that unite all actions for the development of skills are awareness and constant classes. And there is a lot behind these words.

Elena Bogomolova, Founder and CEO of PROTALENT LAB