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5 most popular soft skills for a manager

A good manager is characterized by the success of his employees, a competent one is characterized by diplomas and recognition. In order to become a highly qualified recognized specialist, you will need a little more: to have a number of soft and hard skills, as well as to show your experience and professionalism through the successes of your subordinates. And if everything is clear with experience and hard-skills, then what to do with "soft skills"?

Soft-skills or "soft skills" are professional competencies that are important in work and for achieving results. However, their indicators are difficult to assess. This may include erudition, managerial and research abilities.

It is difficult to say what soft-skills a specialist should have - it directly depends on his role in the company, as well as the request of the business itself. I share with you the TOP 5 most popular soft skills for a manager.

1. Communication skills
The ability to find a common language and agree is the most important feature of a manager, without which it is very difficult to maintain a healthy microclimate in the team. Exactly in the piggy bank.

2. The ability to solve and prevent conflicts
Not everything always goes according to plan. Sometimes there are thunderstorms in the "Garden of Eden". The task of the manager is not only to notice the aggravation of the situation, but also to identify the source of the” smoke", to neutralize it in a timely manner and extinguish it without significant losses for the team.

3. Project Management Skill
Understanding the construction of management activities is an important skill for any link. It allows you to see the whole picture and understand the meaning of each puzzle. Thanks to this skill, an employee can correctly assess the scale of the work; understand how to perform it effectively and show tangible results.

4. Labor discipline
The ability to work in the context of the company's charter and its work schedule is very relevant. Do you want a strong team? Show what "quality work" means through an example, not a censure.

5. Adaptability
There is no stability. Something changes every day. For a manager, the skill of adaptability is important first of all. Who, if not the captain, will be the first to react to the change of wind and set the right course?

Elena Bogomolova, Founder and CEO of PROTALENT LAB