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Secrets of effective online job interviews

Modern trends dictate their own rules. And if earlier we could hardly imagine that interviews could be conducted remotely, today it is already a common reality.
Time is still one of the most valuable resources and spending it on the road for the next interview becomes a luxury.
Among HR-s, remote interviewing is also gaining momentum. After all, it allows you to conduct a primary selection among candidates. According to the SuperJob portal, 71% of recruiters conduct interviews remotely.
There are 2 ways to conduct an interview remotely
1️. In real time
2. View the record of the candidate's responses
Let's talk about how to prepare for a real-time interview:
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●Discuss the date and time of the interview with the candidate. And specify the length of the interview
●    # nbsp; The candidate should tell you on which site and how exactly the interview will take place. Be sure to exchange contacts.
Before the interview, you should re-examine the candidate's resume and write down the questions that you want to clarify. And of course, do not forget to take your resume with you to the interview.
●    # nbsp;During the interview, it is not necessary to evaluate how a person behaves in front of the camera. You have gathered in order to understand how much the candidate's skills correspond to the vacancy.
●Before the interview, be sure to make up the questions you will be asking. Ideally, you should consider an interview plan - a company presentation, tests, etc.
You can conduct a video conversation at such sites as
●    Skype
●    Zoom
●    Google meet
●    WhatsApp
Each has its own pros and cons. And then choose what is more convenient and familiar to you.

The purpose of the video interview is to understand how the candidate fits the vacancy. To do this, you can ask standard questions, just like in a normal interview.
What interview format do you like?