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Work not for the sake of profit, but for the sake of people

The endured period of the pandemic has forever changed the view of thousands of managers and hundreds of companies on how to manage a business and help their staff to be effective. The culture of well-being management began to pass to the masses.

What's it?
The idea of well-being management or " culture of well-being” is a well-known practice that is actively transferred to us from foreign colleagues. The essence is simple: to take care of the well-being of those who work for you.

Why is this necessary?
It is no secret that the labor market and companies are not interested in the constant traffic of employees. Layoffs, candidate searches, interviews and internships-such a rhythm significantly reduces the motivation of existing employees and negatively affects the company's efficiency. The trend to take care of those who work for you in the spring of 2020 came to the Russian labor market. World practice shows that a person who feels safe at his current job will not look for other options.

What does well-being management mean?
The sphere of the "culture of well-being" includes taking care of the four most important areas of human life:

Favorable working atmosphere
Physical and mental health
Salary satisfaction level
A sense of security in society and the pride of being a part of it

These indicators directly affect the employee's involvement in the workflow, the desire to develop within the company and be a part of it.

Today, the interest in the direction of well-being management makes its own adjustments to the usual structure of companies. The request for well-being managers is already there and will only gain momentum in the next couple of years.

Where to look for yourself now?
In modern realities, a well-being manager can find a job in large companies related to the IT sphere, since they are the ones who are the fastest to adopt trends in the field of management. But within a year, well-being management will be part of the corporate culture of medium and small businesses.

Do you want to learn more about this direction and how it can still be useful for your company?
