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"Business does not need crusts": how "fast education" is changing the labor market

"Business does not need crusts": how" fast education " changes the labor market, Elena Bogomolova, CEO of PROTALENT Lab, expressed her opinion on this topic, in a discussion with

For vacancies in professions that can be mastered at express courses, they rarely require a higher education diploma, HeadHunter found out. This applies to work in marketing, advertising, PR, as well as in professions from the field of arts, entertainment and mass media, and partly in the IT sector. Recruiters told " The Newspaper.Ru", how express courses or short-term retraining programs began to change the labor market in Russia.

Employers rarely require a university diploma in a number of professions, which can be studied at online courses, short-term retraining programs and mini-MBA, HeadHunter data for the first half of 2021 show.

Thus, the requirement for higher education can be found in every fourth of the IT vacancies, in marketing, advertising, PR-only in every fifth, in art, entertainment, mass media-in every seventh.

The highest share of requirements for higher education is contained in vacancies for lawyers (68%), in science and education (53%), civil service (52%), in higher management (49%) and raw material extraction (46%), HeadHunter found out at the request of the newspaper.Ru».
Today, there are clear leaders in online education, large companies are ready to trust their educational programs and courses as well as university ones, says Elena Bogomolova, CEO of the Protalent Lab recruitment agency. She notes the growing demand for short-term programs and mini-MBAs among young people interested in entrepreneurship and a number of other areas.

"If we talk about the creative sphere, then educational courses in professions related to media and creativity are not inferior to bachelor's degree programs — specialists with such an education are very readily accepted by companies",
- notes Bogomolova.

The demand for short-term courses and rapid retraining courses for specialists has increased very much over the past few years and will continue to grow in the coming years, adds CEO&Founder Mila Semeshkina.

"This is due to the fact that applicants associate higher education with professional success less and less. And this is a global trend. A diploma is no longer a guarantee of a breakthrough career or even a guarantee of at least some kind of employment. Business no longer needs "crusts", business needs practical skills and professionals, " Semeshkina said "Газете.Ru".

According to the founder of the platform, who this year won the international competition in the field of educational technologies EdTech Breakthrough Award 2021 in the nomination "Best continuous learning service",

short training, and mainly online training — is a new convenient format that allows you to quickly (in hours, not months) and cheaply get relevant skills on the market and also quickly apply them in practice, almost immediately starting to monetize them.

Short-term retraining programs can be a good opportunity to start in the profession. Students who have completed courses, for example, SMM, copywriting or project management, can successfully apply for junior positions, comments the head of development of Avito Work# nbsp; Dmitry Puchkov.

But he, like other recruiters, warn that this does not apply to all professions, in addition, often with a radical change of profession, the candidate will have to start from the grassroots positions, no matter what courses or retraining programs he has completed.

"It is important to understand that if you are a white-collar worker, and you expect to take short-term courses and change jobs, then in 90% of cases this will not work. Because an adult person for a decent vacancy, and not for a junior position, is bought not for the fact that you have learned something, but for the fact that you already know how to do it",

- I explained to the " Newspaper.Ru " expert in the field of recruiting, founder of the PRUFFI agency and the Anti-Slavery online project# nbsp;Alyona Vladimirskaya.

However, express training can definitely help in two situations: if a person wants to move up the career ladder within his company or is looking for a job with a promotion for which he might not have enough skills.
"High-quality and well-reputed courses are needed so that companies can send their employees to pump their skills, or so that applicants themselves go for some kind of skill. But there are few such courses, and mostly it is a HYPE, " warns Vladimirskaya.

From the outback — to an international company without moving

Express courses can also expand the prospects of people in regional cities, where there is not a large selection of vacancies. They have the opportunity to study and find a vacancy remotely, Dmitry Puchkov believes.

In addition to the fact that express courses simplify the trend for continuous learning (life-long learning),

they also have a positive impact on the market — fast educational programs enable people from regions far from educational and entrepreneurial centers to reach the level of authoritative experts in their field, says Elena Bogomolova.

As a result, in an overheated market, the number of applicants who are ready to offer their work increases — so fast education helps to stabilize demand in the labor market, she concludes.

Elena Bogomolova, Founder and CEO of PROTALENT LAB