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Candidate verification methods

Today we will talk about the methods of checking candidates:

1)   Tests and cases.
An excellent method for testing skills and competencies. It's not about psychological testing, but about applied tools for testing professional knowledge.
Sometimes, test assignments are given even before an interview with an HR or hiring manager.

2) Checking recommendations
This is the final stage in the selection of candidates for the vacancy. And even if the applicant managed to cheat and convince several interviewers in his words, the final check of the recommendations will bring him to clean water.
It happens that a candidate proposes a list of referees with whom he has previously agreed on a “legend” about his “heroic” professional activity. But employers are not stupid either, and they find other referrals who are not so rosy about the activities of this candidate.
Having lied in the selection process for a vacancy, you can end up on the "black" list of unreliable candidates.
3) Polygraph (lie detector)
A method that causes a lot of controversy and rejection. Nevertheless, it is actively used in trade, for the selection of managers of private residences, warehouses, etc.
4) Probationary period
The applicant can bypass "all the cordons", charm everyone and convince that he is a "great sales" or "virtuoso technologist". But the very first days of the probationary period will put everything in its place.

And even a huge motivation may not help if there is no experience and those high results that a person attributed to himself. # Nbsp;

I remember the case of a CFO who “sold” to a new employer that he had attracted bank financing at a low rate for a previous job. He was hired. And ... they immediately sent to get funding. But the banks were not eager to give away their money cheaply. After numerous unsuccessful attempts, it turned out that the shareholder had always negotiated financing at the previous place of work, and the financier only prepared the documents.

Victoria Filippova, Partner PROTALENT LAB, PCC ICF coach