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Leadership in a feminine way

The phrase "Market leader" no longer implies a picture with a wide-smiling handsome man. The business has changed. Twenty years ago, companies were headed by men. Today, a woman is not only about motherhood, but also career growth, management positions and ambitions. Leadership “like a woman” is about the opportunity to realize yourself as a specialist.

Remarkable figures illustrate not only new opportunities, but also the willingness of companies to rely not on gender, but on the key competencies of applicants.

So from 2017 to 2020, the number of women in senior positions increased from 23% to 29%. In 2020, 87% of companies hired at least one woman.

In today's turbulent world, such statistics are an excellent indicator of movement towards equality. While for women, this is an opportunity to be who they want, and not just can.

No less interesting are the figures showing the effectiveness and influence of a female transformational leader in the company.

According to statistics, the profit of companies where women hold senior positions is 14.3% higher than those where the number of representatives of the weaker sex is less.

According to the lifeacademy resource, the share price of companies where most of the key employees are women is growing on average 20% faster than those where the managers are men.

This trend is a clear indicator: a woman is a strategically important business player in unstable times.

A transformational leader “like a woman” is about a specialist who is ready to make decisions and take responsibility. This category is endowed with the qualities of burning, interested, in love with their business.

Leadership in a feminine way today is not a fairy tale or a whim. This is a reality that shows that women can realize themselves not only as wives, sisters and mothers, but also as successful bosses, managers and entrepreneurs.

Do you think there are differences in a male and a female leader?

Elena Bogomolova, Founder and CEO of PROTALENT LAB