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The end of a career or a new start?

One of the fears of 50+ employees is to lose their job and not find themselves.

Now there is a trend in companies to actively attract young, less experienced, less expensive employees. Thus, more experienced, weighty, professionally valuable employees are being displaced, which cannot but worry.

Our world is changing too quickly and dynamically. Digitalization is actively entering every business and it is considered that it is difficult for the 50+ generation to switch to new tracks, master the skills of digitalization and adapt to a new, changing world. It is impossible not to accept this fact.

But the opposite is evidenced by a huge number of successful examples of the contribution of employees aged 50+ to the development of companies, withdrawal from crisis situations. Also, now HR directors are doing some work with the Management of companies in further highlighting the value of such experienced employees. Slowly, but surely, there is a movement even in the direction of protecting professionals 50+.

Statistics show that older candidates have more potential in certain areas. Thus, the study of the career of senior management, which covered 91 largest Russian companies, shows that the average age of CEOs gradually continues to increase: from 51.2 to 51.8 years. This level exceeds the indicator of 2017 (49.7 years) and the average for 2017-2019 (50.9 years).

Here are some more interesting figures:
the average age of the founders of successful startups is 45 years;
the average age of CEOs of companies from the S&P-500 index has grown to 60 years over the past 14 years
. the FORBES list mainly includes businessmen over 50, 60 and 70+

In the progressive companies of the West, there has long been a transition in the criteria for choosing a candidate from age to real experience and skills.
Therefore, I would like to give a couple of tips to those most valuable employees of 50+:

Believe in yourself!
The way you perceive yourself is reflected in the vision of the world around you.
Your experience, key competencies and professional skills are your most valuable baggage. Sell it expensively, pack it correctly.

Make it a rule – Life-long learning.
Build up the most popular digital skills.
Develop soft-skills.
Work on:
* flexibility and adaptability;
* sociability;
* creativity.

Develop critical thinking.
Be a popular member of any team, develop cooperation.

Work with your environment:
* activate social networks.networks;
· be visible;
* develop your network;
* attend specialized business events more often.

You are not just an employee who is 50+. Your experience is a valuable asset, do not devalue yourself!

Try yourself as a MENTOR!
Share your experience and mentor those to whom it is important and valuable. Get results and gratitude from your contribution to the development of other people. You have enough experience and knowledge for this. Mentoring is rapidly gaining momentum, and this is an opportunity for mature specialists to consolidate themselves in a new status.
At PROTALENT Lab, we value experienced specialists and give them the opportunity to increase the demand for their experience and knowledge.

To do this, we have organized a special program Sell your Time. Here, every expert can start selling their experience and their time by performing short-term projects.
Projects that do not require you to be fully involved, where you can start working even without interrupting your main activity.

A career doesn't end at 40 or 50. In reality, we are limited only by the framework created in our head. Allow yourself to do what you really like.

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Elena Bogomolova, Founder and CEO of PROTALENT LAB