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Well-being for top managers

A familiar HR director is currently leading an interesting project in her company: developing a Well-being program for top managers.

What is it about? At a time when a significant % of the country's population is either unemployed or working "for food", such programs look like something out of the realm of fiction. But they are still there. And in some companies, even for all employees, not just the top ones.
The Well-being program is a modern direction in the field of personnel retention, designed to increase the level of well-being of employees, as well as their involvement in the work process. In fact, these are programs for the WELL-BEING of employees. After all, when an employee is happy, then he works better and more stable.
Gallup experts in the course of one of the studies came to the conclusion that there are 5 main factors that affect the well-being of employees.

1.     # nbsp; # nbsp; physical health;
2.      # nbsp; peace of mind;
3.      # nbsp; comfortable working environment;
4.     # nbsp; # nbsp; financial well-being;
5.      # nbsp; opportunity for professional growth.

Currently, the following well-being products are most popular on the Russian market:
1.      # nbsp; # nbsp; body health (physical). Online health assessment, weight management or anti-addiction programs, discounts on sports club memberships;
2.      # nbsp; health of the spirit (mental). Help from a full-time psychologist or krucha, an online psychological support program;
3.      # nbsp; material health (financial). Personal financial planning training (family budget monitoring), tax and deduction advice, credit load optimization and loan refinancing, etc.