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Methods of non-material motivation

Is there a person in your company who is selflessly willing to do the work for the prosperity of the business?
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If your answer is "Yes", then we congratulate you.
It remains a small matter-to learn how to motivate such an employee. And of course to keep it.
Everyone knows that employee motivation includes material and non-material incentives. But the money alone is not enough to hold on to.
You can regularly raise your salary, write out bonuses and bonuses, but they will stop working if the team is tense or the corporate culture is not built.
And in such cases, non-material methods of motivation come to the aid of the manager, for example
Social package
Tours to health resorts
Attending conferences
Gifts for employees ' children
Fitness club passes
Mobile communication, etc.
Corporate training or simply paying for advanced training courses also acts as a powerful motivation tool.
You, as a manager, will have to make an effort to increase the motivation of employees.
And for this you should use 5 tips
Be open to your employees
Involve employees in the process, create an environment where everyone will feel needed.
Corporate Spirit
It sounds corny! But when specialists are committed to their team, they are more invested in the work.
Start setting real and measurable goals for your employees, which will increase your efficiency by 12 to 15%.
Do not hide from your employees behind the secretary and build an invisible wall. Communicate face-to-face, ask questions.
When you start practicing personal conversations with the staff, you will have a lot of food for thought. But don't stop there. Start collecting feedback on issues.
And in order to react in time and retain your valuable employee, you should measure the loyalty index.
Share your experience of motivating employees? Or how do you retain employees?